Deciding to remodel an old bathroom may add significant value to your home. However, you might find yourself surrounded by unexpected costs and anticipated problems if you don’t find ways to avoid common bathroom remodeling mistakes.

Budgeting too little can be unwise. Especially if you’re doing a remodeling job on an older home, it is best to budget more than what’s recommended since you’ll likely have more to replace.

Going trendy with a bathroom remodeling job may backfire. Pink tile that was trendy during the 50s, avocado green sinks that were popular in the 70s, or Jacuzzi tubs that were the fad in the 80s may not fit in a modern home. The best way to redesign a bathroom is to stick with the classic styles.

Ignoring distance clearances are also a common mistake, when you want to make your bathroom the exact way you wanted it, you must never forget that function should come before form.

While it is important to stay within the budget and not spend too much, cheaping out on materials should also be avoided. Cheap, low quality materials used to remodel your bathroom may pose more problems in the future.

Unless you have sufficient background in bathroom remodeling, you might want to think twice before doing your own project. Without professional experience, you might end up facing unnecessary expenses if you decide to go at it alone.

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